
What our patients have to say

Dr Jenner and Maxine have given me my life back | G.C.

Dr Jenner and Maxine Rodriguez have given me my life back and I can clearly see now after 18 months under their care how my life will get completely back to normal.

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Consistently excellent care | L.L.

“I came to Dr Jenner with chronic neck pain and whilst my pain is still ongoing, he has already helped me a huge amount and continues to do so. The continuing care I receive at the clinic from Dr Jenner and his support staff is excellent, never rushed and I would recommend it wholeheartedly.”

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Thankyou for giving me back my life | P.G.R.

“I’m writing to let you know that I won’t be coming to see you again. You see, since I had my treatment with you and the follow up physiotherapy, my back and hip problems are solved. I can’t believe that back in May I suffered excruciating pains in my left hip, up to 7 times a day. I hardly dare move in case the pain kicked in. My spirits were low, my self esteem at rock bottom and I felt old before my time.

You will remember the short period of time I had available to get my health fixed before embarking on a special sailing activity. I so much appreciate that from the first appointment to the steroid injections in my spine took only 4 weeks, two of which were to try out a less invasive treatment of analgesic medication. The follow up physiotherapy enabled me to regain core strength and I have continued to use Pilates to maintain this.

Thankyou for giving me back my life. I am now sleeping well, leading a very active life, mindful of not overdoing things and feel 20 years younger. It’s wonderful to have the energy to play actively with my three year old grandson, to be able to garden all day, go to the gym and enjoy the thrill of heavy weather sailing without having the preying thought of my back going, at the back of my mind.

I would like to thank you for the highly professional approach to your work whilst retaining a human touch and a great sense of humour. I can honestly say I have never laughed so much about being in pain as when I have attended your clinics and indeed during the treatment!!

If only all doctors could follow your form – oh, if they were NHS doctors, the surgeries would never be able to cope with the demand. I also wish to thank Geraldine for her friendly manner, again a sense of humour and her speed in fixing appointments and the follow up information always sent out as a reminder.

Please write to my Insurers to discharge me. I will contact them myself to let them know. If I need to contact you in the future. I have no hesitation in recommending you and Spinal Healthcare to friends and colleagues.

Please pass my thanks and good wishes to Sarah Morton at West London Physio.

With very many thanks”

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